Friday, June 13, 2014

Facing the Giants

There are giants in our day in 2014. They are real and we can only face them through the power of God as He gives us strength. We've been meeting many giants lately in the summer canvassing program. To all whom it may concern:It doesn't matter how long you have canvassed, there are tough days when you feel like going home to the air conditioned and easy environment that most of us are used to.
In canvassing, when we give testimonies at the church they are of an encouraging character and always have a great ending of a large donation and friendly people buying the books. In actuality, those experiences represent a minute percentage of our daily encounters. We meet with the rich and the poor, the old and the young, the bartender and the pastor, the atheist and the Christian, and everyone in between. Most of these people either simply aren't interested or construct a crafty excuse.  There is however, my dear friends, a small percentage who gladly accept truth and cry as they receive  the book they needed right at that time. It is far worth every inconvenience for these soul's salvation. Every day we face giants-No soliciting, hot weather, rude people, and big and perhaps intimidating businesses. But is it worth all this for one soul? Indeed, even if only one soul found Jesus through the summer it would be totally worth it and we'd have no regrets. So if you want to try something new and see the Great Controversy in action join us in this work second to none.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

College At Last

Finally! College is here. I am thankful for Ouachita Hills College and everyone that is here.

I don't really have any profound language with which to express my happiness but I can tell you that God is good.

Classes are amazing! Having never been in a classroom previous to January 8th,it is an exciting experience. Recently,we had a project in Math/Science Methods that involved constructing a science fair display board. That was interesting. I made my research about whether plants need light or not. Of course the conclusion was that they do. And we do too.

In a sense, classroom learning is easy because there is a teacher to constantly guide you and remind you of projects or assignments that are due.
In homeschool, you work by yourself and remember everything on your own.
I like the group activities we do in class. Differing opinions and views from each person add to our learning in a certain subject.

I love the time with friends and roommates. The memories made now last forever.

It is a sad thought that this is my only semester as a freshman.