Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Posts

It has become apparent to me that not many people are able to view my blog. One person reported they could not even find it. So I'm curious...who sees this post. If you see this post, please kindly comment below with even one word. That way I will know whether I'm talking to the wall or not.

Thanks guys.

So I saw on the news that a girl in Florida was denied access to a university simply because of her age (13). She had fulfilled admission requirements, however. This bothers me. Why was she denied the right to study in college when she obviously really would put her heart into it...?

There are many people who don't want to study and only go because their parents pressure them or they feel it's what everyone is doing.

Would it not make sense to accept a girl who really wants to study in spite of her young age?

So enough of my pet peeve.

This winter is so different from last winter in terms of weather. There was sooo much snow last time. I guess global warming is finally affecting us. J/K

In all honesty, I don't make New Year's resolutions simply because they don't motivate me in the least.

I find it better to make a goal. Set a date for the goal to be reached. And then push till there is nothing left in you. Just an expression.

We will see what surprises await us in 2016. I remember 10 years ago. Such a long time away. I was about to turn nine and thought I had reached maturity. The teenage years seemed so far away and dreaming about them only pushed them farther into the distance. So I stopped wishing to get older. Or did I? Actually I fell into the trap of reaching for the future.

Now I am indeed preparing to leave the teen years in 12 months. It went by quickly especially after beginning school.

Getting bored so gonna say bye until next time. Don't forget to comment.

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