Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Repent

This morning I was contemplating what to blog about since you are most likely growing weary of my ramblings about canvassing.
Mmmm..I think it will be forgiveness today.
Have you ever had someone in your life who ruined your dreams,spoiled your plans,and marred your happiness?Or perhaps someone who spoiled your best moments or your only chance to have fun or be yourself?Someone who tries hard to shape you into their mold?Who insists on you going out in their armor? 
Recently,I was in this situation.Angry feelings of resentment raged inside.I wish I could...
But then I started asking myself what good all of this anger was doing?And of course the answer is nothing.
It's easy for us to stand up for our rights and be willing to sacrifice all reason for the sake of getting back at our enemy.
But this person has gone past the limits we say...no more mercy for them.
Just then,the Words of Jesus gently remind."Love your enemies."
But Lord...
It was almost as if He was saying,Sarah,you have done wrong too.Maybe you have treated others and me even worse than this individual.But I still forgave you..I didn't count your case as hopeless.
It was then that I realized that God had forgiven me of much more than I would ever need to forgive.He was just asking me to return a little gratitude to Him by forgiving a small offense.
It was humbling to think how much harm we do not only ourselves,but also everyone around us when we hold hard feelings and grudged against anyone.
Jesus can be pictured dying on the cross for us.He would have done it if it had only been for one of us.And how do we treat Him back?
He was willing.
Amazing love!How can it be?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A teacher to be by God's grace

It has been a while since I last blogged.Much has happened.And in this silent time I've made a decision...I will be a teacher.The Lord has been guiding me in this path for a year but I have continually run away from the idea,just like Jonah did.This won't continue!
College is teaching me so many lessons.
And guess what??
Our fall canvassing program is coming up!I'm excited again.The location will be South Carolina.Ever since I started canvassing we've never gone to the same state twice.Pretty interesting I'd say.

This post feels scattered and hap-hazard to me.But this totally describes my life right now.However,I've never been happier.
As many of the youth from my church are disappearing to work or school I can't help wondering where the time goes.These are people I grew up with.We did everything together and have a whole lot of history.Time does fly.
Some are going to be nurses,some carpenters and some teachers.
To me it seems that teaching would be a great responsibility;I'm too weak to do it alone.Help me,Jesus.