Saturday, October 19, 2013

The First Love

The title of this post probably has some of you guessing what in the world it is about.No,it's not a love story...
At least not in that sense of the word.
But it really is a love story.
A love story that each of us have had at one time or another;we all had a time when we began walking with Jesus and were hurried on to tell others of this most wonderful friend who placed a fire burning in our hearts to help the world.
This is really great you know.
The million dollar question is:Do we still have it?

The book of Revelation sheds light on this question.
Revelation 2:2 says"I know thy works,and thy labour,and thy patience,and how thou canst not bear them  which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles,and are not,and hast found them liars."

Apparently,these individuals do good deeds,are patient when things are rough,and don't tolerate others doing wrong around them.
Verse 3 continues...''And hast borne,and hast patience,and for my name's sake hast laboured ,and hast not fainted."
Hmm,this is a little scary.This hits a bit too close to home for comfort...These persons do not faint even under hard circumstances.They don't give up easily and appear to have a goal in sight.
The 4th verse brings these two verses to a climax with"Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee,because thou hast left thy first love."
Have I left my first love.Am I working for Jesus out of love for Him or out of desire for wealth or out of mere habit.Has it become just something we do or do we realize the importance of what we do for Jesus,who already gave us everything.
Even though I've heard this presented a number of times,it hit me hard this recent canvassing program during a worship given by my awesome leader.
Why do we do the right things.Why are we vegans,dress modestly and do outreach?Is it to glorify God and bring honor to His name or to make ourselves look holy...
Just a thought to think of as we go from day to day:Have we left our first love?

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