Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Musings on Math and Communications

Math has always been my favorite subject.I've always preferred solving a problem to writing an essay.Why is this? Math is concrete;you can always count on it to stay to the same.While science reasoning may ask a question to determine your reasoning capabilities,solving a problem requires knowing the formula or knowing how to calculate the answer.The formula never changes.

To me, the reasoning questions so often appearing on today's tests are training us to become dumb because the facts are losing their importance in the classroom and our textbooks.For instance,a teacher used to determine a student's success in algebra by how many problems were answered correctly.Now,they are tending to grade more on how the student came to the conclusion.This upsets me.However,there are some subjects such as English,particularly essays,that must be graded subjectively.My weakness has always been communication.I learned to talk later than most children and even then had difficulty pronouncing some seemingly simple words correctly.I managed to escape writing essays until high school classes and then realized that my writing skills were drastically lacking.After all the practice for the GED,writing became much easier.

Even though I would much rather minor in math or business I have decided that English will be more useful as a teacher.If I don't communicate properly,how will my future students be inspired? I'm excited to see what fun we'll have in English class in college.

I got to thinking today:I've never been in a classroom except for the ACT.It is going to be a treat!!!
Praise the Lord for the amazing things He has done and continues to do for us.I don't deserve to go to OHC but since God has worked it out,I'll do my very best to be a blessing to others and study hard.

So yesss!I'm gonna like English...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

College Are you ready?Here I come!!!

Due to my recent disappearance from Facebook,I have some time to blog once more before leaving home to canvass in Texarkana,Arkansas.I can't think of any profound words to describe my joy to finally be attending Ouachita Hills this coming spring semester;but I will say that God is good all the time and He has done way beyond what my faith thought possible this time last year.

As Thanksgiving Day (this Thursday) draws near it's a perfect opportunity to remember what God has done for us each this past year and in recent decades.He has protected us when we never knew there was danger.He sends His angels to give us words when we need them most,and listens to our seemingly insignificant prayers.Not to mention the life we take for granted,the warm home in the winter,and food and water,without which we would die.

I praise God that, although there were a few bumps in the path,my first two classes are completely finished and the third will be shortly,Lord willing.I've been learning that there are some dangerous prayers to pray.One such prayer is"Lord,humble me."When we pray that prayer we have to be ready for a drastic answer.But at the end of the day,there are more important issues than grades or homework,though diligence is important;the Lord keeps bringing this to my attention because He knows how easily I forget.

Though free time is limited during canvassing programs,I will do my very best to blog at least once or twice during the Christmas program.In the mean time,I know God has precious souls just waiting for truth,May all of us canvassers put forth our very best efforts and pray for wisdom to reach God's children out there who are confused and searching for the light.You have to love canvassing!Each day there's a new adventure and a new experience.At the end of each program the little inconveniences don't seem so big anymore;you wonder why God ever chose you to participate in this work.Canvassing is a great way to build character for Heaven too.It teaches you that unity amongst the workers is more important than it seems at first glance.

Lastly,but not least important,I have to say that having so many brothers and sisters who truly care and look out for you is awesome.We are one big family!!

Praise God!!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


The countdown has begun officially this evening of the ninth day of November,2013.
I'm finally going to Ouachita Hills College(more easily pronounced ''OHC").
It seems ages since I first heard about this school twenty-two months ago from a friend and eventually began to canvass.I didn't want to go canvassing at first but I'm definitely glad that I went.
Canvassing has changed my life!
I'm eternally thankful to Jesus for His many miracles in my behalf in relation to being accepted at school.I'm thankful that God is more powerful than all the roadblocks Satan throws in the way.
Well-meaning friends have inquired why I say I've been waiting two years for OHC, when I was fifteen back then...
This is the reason:In early 2012 I made OHC my future school and started working on tests to get there.As I read through the OHC handbook I was just hoping they accepted fifteen year olds.I don't know what I was thinking because no college I know of accepts students on campus at this age.I guess I was just hoping things would fit together alright.
Well,later in the year,around May,I contacted a staff member and inquired about the age requirements;The answer rang through my head:17.......I should have known...
Oh no,two years Lord??
You mean I have to wait two years?
Silence was all God answered me with at the moment.
It was the best answer.
In time,I forgot all about the age requirement and started planning to enter school in either January 2013 or August.
Pretty stubborn...
But soon it became apparent that January wouldn't work out due to the GED date.
Oh well,August then...
Then came the call I was running away from,the call I knew was coming but was trying to pretend otherwise.
A voice on the other end of the telephone said,"I'm sorry Sarah.You will have to wait till the spring semester in 2014 to come on campus to study".
Even then,there was of course no guarantee.
I can't wait another year I said to myself...
Friends were encouraging and I don't know what I would have done without them.
Going to fast-forward now to July 2013.Location:Crowley,TX in the canvassing program.We had all just returned from a long days work and were relaxing and getting ready for bed.My phone rang.It was my mom.We chatted a bit.At the end of the conversation I chanced to ask her if any mail had come for me."Oh yeah,I think maybe so.A letter from OHC."I decided that whatever it was,whether good or bad news,I'd rather know now.I asked her to read it.
"You have been accepted."
There was more but that's all I remember hearing.
I had to ask her to repeat.Maybe I'm dreaming...
But it was true.And still is today.
I'm still in shock but never happier.
I fear that some pieces of the puzzle have been left out or forgotten.But the main picture remains.
God is good!!He really,really is...:)

There is nothing to hard for God friends.I know there are times when we don't feel like saying this.But it's true and always will be.
My patience needed a repair job big time and God has seen fit to use this waiting time as a part of the repair.There are lots more lessons to learn.
I know that college is not going to be a breeze always.
But I'm going to give it all I've got with His help. So thankful for Ouachita Hills,canvassing,the new friends I've made,and most of all,Jesus.
I pray that the Lord will use me as I move into a new chapter of life.
This post was intended to give glory to God and Him alone.I pray no other impression was left.

This might sound like a silly thing to say, but I'll say it anyways: Never give up your dreams and your goals,even it means dreaming of med school when you're seven.If God wants you there,it will happen.Don't ever let go of your goals.