Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Musings on Math and Communications

Math has always been my favorite subject.I've always preferred solving a problem to writing an essay.Why is this? Math is concrete;you can always count on it to stay to the same.While science reasoning may ask a question to determine your reasoning capabilities,solving a problem requires knowing the formula or knowing how to calculate the answer.The formula never changes.

To me, the reasoning questions so often appearing on today's tests are training us to become dumb because the facts are losing their importance in the classroom and our textbooks.For instance,a teacher used to determine a student's success in algebra by how many problems were answered correctly.Now,they are tending to grade more on how the student came to the conclusion.This upsets me.However,there are some subjects such as English,particularly essays,that must be graded subjectively.My weakness has always been communication.I learned to talk later than most children and even then had difficulty pronouncing some seemingly simple words correctly.I managed to escape writing essays until high school classes and then realized that my writing skills were drastically lacking.After all the practice for the GED,writing became much easier.

Even though I would much rather minor in math or business I have decided that English will be more useful as a teacher.If I don't communicate properly,how will my future students be inspired? I'm excited to see what fun we'll have in English class in college.

I got to thinking today:I've never been in a classroom except for the ACT.It is going to be a treat!!!
Praise the Lord for the amazing things He has done and continues to do for us.I don't deserve to go to OHC but since God has worked it out,I'll do my very best to be a blessing to others and study hard.

So yesss!I'm gonna like English...

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