Sunday, November 22, 2015

Random Review

When I began this blog close to three years ago, it was at a time of hectic preparations for college. I was very anxious to start on homework and graduate. Canvassing also occupied a huge portion of my time. 

Now. Looking back. I can say that many things are different. I'm almost ready to graduate with an A.S. in Early Childhood Education and have laid canvassing aside for the time being. 

Mmmm. Why? Well, I have become weary in well doing you might say. That perhaps was wrong terminology but the point I'm making is that we sometimes need a break even from good activities. The Lord says, "Come apart and rest awhile", and He means just what He says. 

Canvassing is probably one of the most fulfilling jobs one will ever find. It's far from boring and offers many opportunities to touch thousands of lives. You find people who are at the point of giving up on God and their situation. They are suffering and have no one to turn to. Until you come with books about Someone who can give them a new beginning. 

Nonetheless, I have chosen to lay canvassing aside for the time being and pursue other occupations. I must say that it has been a good change. 

A break from hectic hours and sleeping on floors is nice. I don't miss waking up at 3 AM to pack up and move to another location or clean up the church so it's presentable when the head elder comes to evaluate how we've taken care of the building. However, I'm glad each of those things happened because, though I wasn't pleased then, it makes for great laughs today. 

I laugh about the times I messed up horribly during the canvass and must have looked retarded. I find it funny the times I tripped and scattered my books while heading to doors. The super hilarious rejections poor souls tried to muster up which didn't really make sense. I hope they have a chance again in the future to accept the Gospel. 


Life changes and every next chapter is beautiful.

It's possible that this is the end of my college career. But even if that's the case, it's not the end of learning by any means. Nor will it be the end of the classroom. Teachers never leave. 

I will now retreat back into my cave and perhaps blog when the fancy strikes again. Wait and see!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life Lessons

In life, there are those hard moments. There are also blessings and moments you wish would never end. It is good to hold onto the good and throw the bad away. It's not always so easy to do. As I'm sure you know.

Today, I was contemplating what kind of an influence I've been on others. Sad to say, it hasn't always been worth mentioning.

Since leaving Ouachita Hills College to follow the Lord's further leading, I've had complete peace with the decision to leave. However, my only regret is that I wasn't always kind and generous with others. My roommates deserved more from me. My teachers deserved more of my attention.

We never know how long we will have with people or in a certain place. We have to make every day count. I do regret the few times where I neglected time with a friend in order to finish a project or perfect the research paper.

School is very important to me. More important than grades honestly. Getting the homework done quickly has always been one of my goals. At times, I put that before socializing, eating, sleeping or showering (though sleep was first on the list to go).

It wasn't hard to sacrifice these things. Because school meant so much to me.

But when it comes to time with Jesus, there's always excuses.

"I just woke up."

"Too tired today"

"Tomorrow I'll have devotions"

One of the most solemn songs I've heard is "Tomorrow, I'll give my Life Tomorrow". If you ever get a chance, check it out! You won't waste your time. Tomorrow may very well never get here. If we keep putting off a relationship with God, one day it will be too late. That or the desire will be gone.

Today is the day to make it right with God.

Okay, I'm done preaching for this post. But seriously, it's something to think about.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summer Lessons 2015

It's been a while... I must say it has been.
Part of the reason for the delay was that my computer was giving trouble and someone offered to buy it, so I took them up on the offer.

This summer was very interesting indeed. There was many heartaches and trials. But there was also many great experiences and many people I look forward to meeting in heaven as a result of the power of God working through many canvassing teams in the US.

Each summer my energy has dropped more and this time was no exception. I'm so tired. Nevertheless, what can I say? God is always good.

Some jaw-dropping things happened to me this summer like someone giving a pretty large donation (at least for my record it was). I also saw snakes at doors, got bitten by irritating insects such as nats and ants, spoke to the police, and thoroughly broiled (literally) in the heat and humidity of Alabama and Florida.

Though it all, God showed that my endurance needs to grow..

But that was not the purpose of this post.

Even though I'm no longer attending Ouachita Hills College, God has continued to lead and guide me into many blessings. I am continuing on to be teacher when I graduate. I believe it's something God has called me to. There's nothing else I've ever had such peace about. College is hard work. I can see why people are so excited to get their degrees when they march down the aisle. I used to think that they just had a case of over-excitement.

Don't give up on God. He loves you more than you will ever know. He is waiting for us.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Update On Life

For those of you wondering what's up with my sporadic blogging, I sympathize with you.
I wonder why I only posted two times last year.
Blame it on college this time...
These last months have been pretty busy and not much time has been there for rare pleasures like surfing the internet.
I jumped at the opportunity to write on here before leaving to the summer canvassing program where there's no guarantee of wifi. It's a bit difficult to type on my phone.
This semester is finally done and with it many classes and some stress. God blessed us this year and I saw the guiding hand of God working to get us through.
I did return to school after my last February post and life carried on after my temporary leave of absence.
I got to canvass for the first time in the north country of Minnesota. It was a blast mixed with some interesting adventures.
And's nearly June...
Since it's been two weeks since graduation weekend, the campus of Ouachita Hills is no longer it's normal self. It's actually rather dead. The computer lab (where I currently am) is nearly vacant.
After some rather interesting schoolwork setbacks, I made it into junior status. This simply means it's my third year of college. But it's technically only my second year. Anyways, it gets confusing. But this is not really too significant.
It was powerful to watch more friends graduate this year and prepare to go out into the world and be a blessing to others.
A good portion of you all most likely remember that I made proclamations of leading a supposed canvassing program this summer. It didn't happen as you've probably already guessed. God had other plans and I will be content in His will.
God plans are so much better than our pitiful ones.
 I'll be doing ten weeks of canvassing in Dothan, Alabama this summer.
It'll be a nice break from school and working on campus. Oh and I meant to say, I actually got to work in the bookstore today doing inventory. That was a dream fulfilled because I really like office work.
Keep pressing upward and listen for the shout.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Truth

Tears silently fall into the pillow..
I just can't believe it, I say inwardly.
I thought everything would work out perfectly.
But it hadn't. My world seemed shattered.
What do you do under such circumstances? There are two choices: Go on with life or stay upset and be miserable and still not have any improvement in the situation.
Recently, I've been learning that I can't always be as independent as I'd like. Some of us prefer to take care of every detail ourselves. We falsely conclude it's better not to involve others in our lives because we don't want to bother them.
My fever continued to rise one night as one of my classmates came into the room to see how I was feeling. I said, "I'm doing okay". She knows me too well to believe that phrase. Nearing me, she immediately felt the heat radiating off by body. Checking my temperature, it was found to be 104 degrees. I insisted that I would be fine, and didn't want her to waste her study time caring for my needs. She insisted on staying. I was too weak to resist much.
As she bathed my forehead with a cool cloth she said these words, "I enjoy taking care of sick people. Don't deny me the right of doing what I enjoy."
I will always remember her kindness to me that night. I learned an important lesson: It's okay to let others help us. We'd like to think we can live on our own without anyone else's help. But living and loving is all about giving and receiving help from others. It just so happened, that the next week I was able to return the favor for one of my roommates who woke up sick during the night. I was glad to help her, and realized how my friend had felt about helping me.
Sometimes the truth hurts...
It can cut through our heart like a dart.
The truth for me most recently took the form of coming home in place of canvassing.
The reasons for this are not my of idea of logical.
However, God has a plan. I choose to trust Him.
Canvassing is my life. It feels strange to not be out there now knocking on doors at this very moment.
But my mission right now is right in bed resting.
This is God's plan for me today.
Tomorrow will take care of itself.