Saturday, September 19, 2015

Life Lessons

In life, there are those hard moments. There are also blessings and moments you wish would never end. It is good to hold onto the good and throw the bad away. It's not always so easy to do. As I'm sure you know.

Today, I was contemplating what kind of an influence I've been on others. Sad to say, it hasn't always been worth mentioning.

Since leaving Ouachita Hills College to follow the Lord's further leading, I've had complete peace with the decision to leave. However, my only regret is that I wasn't always kind and generous with others. My roommates deserved more from me. My teachers deserved more of my attention.

We never know how long we will have with people or in a certain place. We have to make every day count. I do regret the few times where I neglected time with a friend in order to finish a project or perfect the research paper.

School is very important to me. More important than grades honestly. Getting the homework done quickly has always been one of my goals. At times, I put that before socializing, eating, sleeping or showering (though sleep was first on the list to go).

It wasn't hard to sacrifice these things. Because school meant so much to me.

But when it comes to time with Jesus, there's always excuses.

"I just woke up."

"Too tired today"

"Tomorrow I'll have devotions"

One of the most solemn songs I've heard is "Tomorrow, I'll give my Life Tomorrow". If you ever get a chance, check it out! You won't waste your time. Tomorrow may very well never get here. If we keep putting off a relationship with God, one day it will be too late. That or the desire will be gone.

Today is the day to make it right with God.

Okay, I'm done preaching for this post. But seriously, it's something to think about.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus :)

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