Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Summer Lessons 2015

It's been a while... I must say it has been.
Part of the reason for the delay was that my computer was giving trouble and someone offered to buy it, so I took them up on the offer.

This summer was very interesting indeed. There was many heartaches and trials. But there was also many great experiences and many people I look forward to meeting in heaven as a result of the power of God working through many canvassing teams in the US.

Each summer my energy has dropped more and this time was no exception. I'm so tired. Nevertheless, what can I say? God is always good.

Some jaw-dropping things happened to me this summer like someone giving a pretty large donation (at least for my record it was). I also saw snakes at doors, got bitten by irritating insects such as nats and ants, spoke to the police, and thoroughly broiled (literally) in the heat and humidity of Alabama and Florida.

Though it all, God showed that my endurance needs to grow..

But that was not the purpose of this post.

Even though I'm no longer attending Ouachita Hills College, God has continued to lead and guide me into many blessings. I am continuing on to be teacher when I graduate. I believe it's something God has called me to. There's nothing else I've ever had such peace about. College is hard work. I can see why people are so excited to get their degrees when they march down the aisle. I used to think that they just had a case of over-excitement.

Don't give up on God. He loves you more than you will ever know. He is waiting for us.

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