Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello and Goodbye

High School is behind me....
College is before.....
Many things are unknown to me....
I have plans....
I have options....
But no secure anything....

Except one thing is very sure,I know God has a special plan for my life and that He won't leave me.When other thing are unsure,this remains forever sure for all of us.

I wait in excitement for this summer that I plan to spend canvassing.10 weeks of character-building canvassing.Canvassing that prepares for any other kind of work.Work that even though hard at times,is always worth it.God's work is a joy. There's joy following Jesus.

 Trying to prepare mentally,Spiritually,and physically for 10 weeks of the most trying, yet most wonderful work I've ever done.

God gives strength.There have been days,especially in the last program when I wasn't sure I had energy to keep going.I was physically worn out.But it's those times when Jesus carries your bag for you and keeps you going.

Jesus didn't have a comfortable time on this earth when He was here.
We have it alot easier then He did.

Any work for Him does require sacrifice.  
Often sacrifice means alot more than we thought.At least for me.

Christ is calling for us to give Him 100% of our devotion.

Not 95%,as it's so easy to do.

I'm praying that this year will be spent not doing my will,but God's will.

Trials will come.

Blessings will come.

Joys will come.

God will be with us through it all.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Pre-GED blog

Today is a sunny,cheery day.So beautiful :)

Many thoughts are dashing madly through my mind.Tomorrow is the G.E.D. test.A test I've been preparing for months for.

Also,this day marks the year mark since I first decided to try out the canvassing work.I still can't express how thankful I am to have had the priviledge of beginning this work.I'm still just a beginner,have a lot to learn. I need more experience.But I'm blessed to be able to canvass.

If it wasn't for Jesus and His great mercy and love,I don't know where I'd be today.Don't even want to think about it.

Is working for God always easy? No.Is it always comfortable? No.Are people always nice at doors?No. Do we have to sacrifice? Yes.

Is it worth it? YES.

Is Heaven cheap enough? YES

Did Jesus have it easy? NO

Will we have it easy always? NO

Should we still do it? YES

Is it rewarding in the end? YES

Hectic schedules are good for me.I need them.It prompts me to something higher :)

God is good---all the time :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Success Redefined

I totally meant to blog last week but everything has been so hectic....Thankful for the Sabbath.Since I started canvassing I have a whole new appreciation for this special day to commune with our Creator and spend time with others in fellowship.

I was thinking of what to blog about.Okay,got an idea...:)
God's Direction in our lives-A subject that has had me confused for a while....!
What happens when we want to do something or go somewhere really bad,and God says the word we don't want to hear-NO!   Do we throw our hands up and get angry or determine that it has to be our way or no way?
Each day calls for a review of the motives behind what we do;even good things.Like literature evangelism or helping at church...just to name a few...
Recently I have been asking God what motives are behind the work I do and unfortunately it has not always been right motives.Zeal is good.Energy is needed.Perseverance is neccesary.But what of motive? We can be doing all the right things and still lack in the Christianity essential to salvation.

In canvassing techniques are important.Without them,our influence for God and His truth is marred.But there is something way more important.That is a connection with Jesus.Techniques can sell books;only a true connection with God can touch lives.

Canvassing is more than reciting a memorized phrase over and over,more than getting the book in the hand,more than smiling;even our prayers can end up stemming from wrong motives if we don't watch out.Unless we ourselves know God as a friend how can we expect to lead others to someone we don't know?The Lord has been showing me that more than a hurried 2 minutes of devotions is needed.The key is not quantity,but rather quality.An hour long worship will not earn us any merit.
But how do we get to know a friend? By spending time with them,right? It's the same way with God.

Just some thoughts from my studies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time to Canvass Again!!

So it's time for another canvassing program....I'm excited!!!Really excited!:)
This is a real blessing to be able to Conway,Arkansas.!
Sorry about the excitement.I will calm down in a few minutes guys...

I want this next program to begin on the right track--with Jesus.
I desire to be more fitted for God's work after this.
God:Please use this UNQualified vessel to do your work.
 I long to be a better mouthpiece for God,a more obedient child of His.

Without God helping me,I can't do this work.But He has promised to be with us.I will trust Him.

It is a priviledge to work for God.
Lazyness tends to creep into our work if we don't watch it(at least for me).
Please Lord,I want to be willing to Surrender ALL for you.
I was contemplating the words of the hymn"All to Jesus I Surrender"....oh,let me not just sing those words but live them.
So this begins the canvassing programs of the year-2013!
Lord,use me.