Monday, February 25, 2013

Pre-GED blog

Today is a sunny,cheery day.So beautiful :)

Many thoughts are dashing madly through my mind.Tomorrow is the G.E.D. test.A test I've been preparing for months for.

Also,this day marks the year mark since I first decided to try out the canvassing work.I still can't express how thankful I am to have had the priviledge of beginning this work.I'm still just a beginner,have a lot to learn. I need more experience.But I'm blessed to be able to canvass.

If it wasn't for Jesus and His great mercy and love,I don't know where I'd be today.Don't even want to think about it.

Is working for God always easy? No.Is it always comfortable? No.Are people always nice at doors?No. Do we have to sacrifice? Yes.

Is it worth it? YES.

Is Heaven cheap enough? YES

Did Jesus have it easy? NO

Will we have it easy always? NO

Should we still do it? YES

Is it rewarding in the end? YES

Hectic schedules are good for me.I need them.It prompts me to something higher :)

God is good---all the time :)

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