Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rejections and Such

In canvassing there are tons of rejections every day,five days a week.
Most of the time we just ignore the rejections and move on...
Thursday I didn't.
Door after door of"We have no money".
"I don't have a penny to my name."
"Honey,I don't have a dime on me."
By the way,the people who are saying this are owners of beautiful two-story mansions and fancy cars.Hmm,maybe some are telling the truth but I think not all of them are truthfully so poor.
Honestly,it isn't easy to give a friendly "God bless" while leaving.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

How many times do I say the same thing to God when He wants to spend time with me.

How many times do I give a multitude of excuses why I'm too busy to have devotions or commune with Him in prayer.

Wow.An eye-opener.

Just a thought that I'm pondering on today.

This summer is flying along faster than I would like but at the same time a break sounds welcome.

My first dump bag(when someone buys all your books)was on Thursday.It's never happened before.

When the friendly couple who were smoking kept asking what else I had,my hopes went up.But they soon dropped as they said they only had a little money.
Long story short,they bought all 8 books I was carrying with instruction to hold their check two weeks.

I almost fell over of shock.

They wanted all the books.

God truly is a giver of good gifts.

Even though there are times when it doesn't look very bright or hopeful,He is still there.

Rainy weather is my least favorite weather to canvass in.Worse than snow or heat.

I'm just thankful that God holds this work in His hands and his workers as well.Even though we are such pitiful messengers sometimes...

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