Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Really Counts

On one normal Sabbath afternoon I was sitting at the piano practicing diligently for church.

I've never had much of a natural talent for piano,or music in general.

However,recently I decided  to just try to play by ear out of plain will-power.

So it was with this attitude I was practicing a few songs after potluck.

As I finished the chorus of ''All to Jesus I Surrender" one of the little girls came striding triumphantly down the church isle.Let's call her Amy~it's as good as any name.
It quickly became evident that she had important things to share with me.

I was thinking-I'd kinda like to finish my piano practicing but didn't say so.

Amy is a former student of mine from way back when I taught the children's Sabbath School class.She was not the easiest child to deal with.Always getting distracted and having to be reminded a hundred times that she was not the one in charge of class...

But she is precious now.

She's changing...

And she needs me.She needs a "big girl'' to pay attention to her.

The piano key cover clicked shut,hiding the keys from view and I invited Amy to join me on the bench.

So what if I'm not the best pianist.

People are worth more.

It's the little things that count at the end of the day.

It's not the big events that tell for time and eternity so much as the little hugs and prayers and visits.

At the end of the day it's not good grades,beauty,or talents that count so much as the lives Jesus worked through us to touch.

Yes,people are more important than a good looking report card or  the finest music.

We never know when the book of our life will shut,never to reopen again on this earth.

It's the little things in life that truly count.

I have sooooo far to go.Lord take away selfishness please.

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